Our Net Zero Carbon Framework
Henry Boot are committed to protecting and enhancing the environment in all business operations and are proud of our achievements to date and our people's expertise and enthusiasm in making this happen.
We recognise that climate change poses a huge challenge and requires a bold and decisive response. Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will be critical to mitigating climate change and will require dedicated long term effort, commitment, and collaboration. Henry Boot have always been a business that takes a long-term strategic view, focusing on authentic delivery – and our approach to tackling climate change will be no different.
Our Net Zero Carbon (NZC) Framework will guide our business to achieve NZC for our direct GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 2030. Reducing carbon emissions is not new for us and since 2013 our Scope 1 and 2 emissions have reduced by over 25%. We recognise, however, that now is a time for greater action and increased ambition in order to effectively tackle the significant challenge of climate change.

Our commitment to decarbonise goes beyond reducing our directly controlled GHG emissions. Our NZC Framework will also guide us to enhance our understanding of our indirect emissions (Scope 3) and help us and our commercial partners to develop ways to reduce them. Tackling the challenges of climate change requires partnership and teamwork to develop and deliver innovative solutions. We are committed to working with and supporting our people, customers, and supply chains to collaboratively decarbonise.
The NZC Framework forms a critical element of our Responsible Business Strategy and we look forward to sharing our progress, challenges and solutions with you on a regular basis through our communications and annual report, and collaborating with our people and partners to create a better planet for us all.
If you have any questions about our NZC Framework or would like to find out more information, please contact our Responsible Business Manager Jack Kidder at jkidder@henryboot.co.uk.
You can view the NZC Framework brochure by clicking here